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微创泌尿外科杂志  2013, Vol. 2 Issue (4): 274-276    
  临床研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李建明1, 李小鑫1, 王伟1, 解吕中1
1江苏省南通市中医院泌尿外科 226001 江苏南通
Evaluation of greenlight laser photoselective vaporization of prostate for the treatment of aged patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (Report of 33 cases)
Li Jianming1, Li Xiaoxin1, Wang Wei1, Xie Lvzhong1
1Department of Urology, Nantong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nantong, 226001, China
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