Abstract:Objective: To compare the efficacy of transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) and bipolar plasma resection (PKRP) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and the associated risk factors for postoperative urethral stricture (US). Methods: The clinical data of 97 patients with BPH underwent TURP surgery and 140 patients underwent PKRP surgery were retrospectively analyzed. The curative effects of the two types surgery were compared to observe postoperative US occurrence in the patients, and the risk factors of postoperative US occurrence were analyzed by Logistic regression. Results: The operation time, urinary catheter indwelling time, hospitalization time and the incidence of postoperative urethral stricture in PKRP group were all lower than those in TURP group (P<0.05). After operative, there were 19 cases of postoperative US in 237 BPH patients, with the incidence of 8.02%. The course of disease, preoperative urinary tract infection, operation methods, operation time, postoperative urethral infection and urinary catheter indwelling time were related factors of postoperative US (P<0.05). Preoperative urinary tract infection, operation methods, postoperative urinary tract infection and long time of urinary catheter indwelling were risk factors for US after operation (P<0.05). Conclusion: The main risk factors for US after operation include urinary tract infection, operation method and prolonged indwelling time of the catheter. Clinically, we should pay close attention and try our best to avoid the occurrence of US.
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