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微创泌尿外科杂志  2019, Vol. 8 Issue (3): 194-199    DOI: 10.19558/j.cnki.10-1020/r.2019.03.011
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杨海1, 唐贤富1, 徐小涵1, 凌强1, 袁文强1, 应巧1
1 四川大学华西广安医院泌尿外科 638000 四川广安
Efficacy of TURP with preservation of prostatic apex urethral mucosa for benign prostatic hyperplasia and its effects on IPSS score and Qmax, Qave and RUV indexes
YANG Hai1, TANG Xianfu1, XU Xiaohan1, LING Qiang1, YUAN Wenqiang1, YING Qiao1
1 Department of Urology, West China Guang'an Hospital, Sichuan University, Guang'an 638000, China
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