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微创泌尿外科杂志  2015, Vol. 4 Issue (5): 279-282    
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经皮肾镜应用第四代EMS超声联合气压弹道碎石清石系统治疗肾结石210 例疗效观察
1云南省保山市第二人民医院泌尿外科 678000 云南保山
Clinical observation on application of the fourth generation EMS ultrasonic combined pneumatic ballistic lithotripsy clearing stone system based on percutaneous nephroscope to treat 210 cases of kidney stones
Duan Xianzhong1, Ma Dongsheng1, Yang Wenzhou1, Wen Zhengdang1,Zhu Xiaorui1, Xu Guangyun1, Li Bo1
1Department of Urology, the Second People's Hospital of Baoshan, Yunnan 678000, China
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