Abstract:Objective: To study the clinicopathological features and prognoses of collecting duct carcinoma (CDC) of the kidney. Methods: A retrospective study was done in 13 cases of CDC. The demographics, perioperative data, follow-up and prognostic information were collected. Results: Thirteen cases of CDC (0.42%) were identified among 3100 cases of kidney cancer admitted in our institute, including 12 males and one female with mean age of 58 (range, 21-81) years. The main symptoms were hematuria, flank pain and loss of weight. The CT scan showed poor blood supply to the lesion in the kidney. Nephrectomy was performed in 12 cases. The mean maximum diameter of tumor was 6.1 (range, 4.0-8.0) cm. Pathological data showed that lymphatic metastases were found in 6 cases and distant metastases were seen in 2 cases. According to TNM tumor stage, there were three cases of stage Ⅰ, 7 cases of stage Ⅲ and 3 cases of stage Ⅳ. Histologic examination indicated prominent tubular or tubulopapillary structures with sarcomatoid carcinoma in some cases. The mean follow-up period was 26.3 (range, 4.0-62.0) months with one patient lost to follow up. The outcome showed 9 patients died of metastasis or organ failure and 3 patients survived. The median survival time was 10.7 months and one-year disease specific survival was 41.6%. Conclusions: CDC of the kidney is a rare histological type of renal cell carcinoma. The pathological examination is the golden standard for the diagnosis and treatments of CDC including the surgical operation, chemotherapy and the targeted therapy. Because of the high degree of malignancy and poor prognosis of CDC, the early diagnosis and comprehensive therapy can benefit the patients.
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