The impact of transurethral bipolar plasmakinetic resection of prostate and 1 470 nm Diode laser enucleation of prostate on sexual function of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia
HU Wei1, LI Haoyong1, LIU Xiuheng1, ZHU Hengcheng1
Department of Urology, Renmin Hospital Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China
Abstract:Objective: To compare the sexual function in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) after Transurethral 1 470 nm Diode laser enucleation of prostate (DiLEP) and Transurethral bipolar plasmakinetic resection of Prostate (PKRP). Methods: The International Erectile Function Score (IIEF-5), International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), ejaculatory function (retrograde ejaculation, painess of ejaculatory, volume of ejaculation) were evaluated among retrospective analysis of 86 patients with BPH who underwent prostatectomy. Results: ①There was no statistical significant difference in IPSS between DiLEP group and PKRP group (P>0.05);②The declination extent of IIEF-5 among 2 groups were different. Only PKRP group showed statistical significant diffcrence from preoperative; ③The incidence of erectile dysfunction in DiLEP、PKRP group was 9.7%、34.2% respectively. DiLEP group showed statistical difference (P<0.05); ④DiLEP and PKRP had no significant effect on ejaculation and sexual desire of patients with BPH after operation, and showed no statistical significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion: The morbidity of sexual dysfunction is significantly lower after 1 470 nm semiconductor laser prostatectomy (DiLEP) in compared with the traditional transurethral plasma prostatectomy (PKRP).
胡威, 李浩勇, 刘修恒, 祝恒成. 1 470 nm激光前列腺剜除术与等离子前列腺电切术对前列腺增生患者性功能的影响[J]. 微创泌尿外科杂志, 2019, 8(5): 329-333.
HU Wei, LI Haoyong, LIU Xiuheng, ZHU Hengcheng. The impact of transurethral bipolar plasmakinetic resection of prostate and 1 470 nm Diode laser enucleation of prostate on sexual function of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE UROLOGY, 2019, 8(5): 329-333.
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