Abstract:Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological features and differential diagnosis of clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma (CCPRCC) so as to improve the understanding of the tumor. Methods: The clinical data of six patients with CCPRCC were studied and their histopathological and immunohistochemical features were investigated. Results: Patients included 4 males and 2 females with a median age of 56.5 years (range from 41 to 82 years), the mean tumor diameteris 3.0 cm (rangefrom 1.2 to 6.5 cm). Microscopically, all tumor cells were papillary, alveolar, tubular or solid nested arrangement, the cytoplasm is transparent, the nucleus away from the basement membrane and toward the surface of lumen, acini and papillae, which were arranged in a single line of arrangement. Immunohistochemical study showed all tumor cells diffuse positive for CK7, CAIX and Vimentin, five of six negative for CD10 and AMACR. Post operative median follow-up time was19 months (range from 6 to 42 months), No recurrence or metastasis was found. Conclusions: CCPRCC is a new subtype of renal cell carcinoma which has been recognized in recent years. Pathological examination is the main method of diagnosis. Positive for CK7 and CA-Ⅸ, negative for CD10 and AMACR are helpful for diagnosis. CCPRCC needs to be distinguished from a variety of other types of renal cell carcinoma and surgical resection is the main treatment, the prognosis is relatively good.
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