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微创泌尿外科杂志  2017, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 343-347    DOI: 10.19558/j.cnki.10-1020/r.2017.06.006
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周泽光1, 刘成倍1
1 广西玉林市第一人民医院 广西医科大学第六附属医院泌尿外科 537000 广西玉林
Analysis on the efficacy and safety of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy versus Flexible Ureteroscopy in the treatment of kidney stones
Zhou Zeguang1, Liu Chengbei1
1 Department of Urology, Guangxi Yulin First People's Hospital, Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Yulin 537000, China
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