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微创泌尿外科杂志  2016, Vol. 5 Issue (4): 196-198    
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软性输尿管镜与经皮肾镜碎石术治疗直径≥2 cm肾结石疗效比较
1.三峡大学第一临床医学院泌尿外科 宜昌市中心人民医院泌尿外科 443003 湖北宜昌
Comparison of efficacy of flexible ureteroscopic lithotripsy vs. percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the management of renal stones 2 cm or greater
Dong Chuanjiang1, Xie Zonglan1, Zhang Lusheng1, Chen Xiaobo1, Dong Ziqiang1
1.Department of Urology, the First College of Clinical Medical Science, China Three Gorges University, Department of Urology, Yichang Central People's Hospital, Yichang 443003, China
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