Abstract:Objective:To introduce our initial experience of laparoendoscopic single site (LESS) retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) for treatment of nonseminomatous testicular cancer.Methods:From September 2010 to May 2012, 5 male patients (age 19-27 years old), present with enlarged right testicle and elevated alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level, underwent radical orchidectomy. The histopathological analysis revealed nonseminomatous germ cell tumor. Laparoendoscopic single site retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (LESS-RPLND) was performed 3 weeks after orchiectomy. After the 3 cm right pararectus incision was made in right lower quadrant, the homemade port was inserted. Prebent devices, conventional straight laparoscopic equipments, 30 degree lens, harmonic scalpel, bipolar forceps and Hem-o-lok clips were employed. Retroperitoneal space was created and developed with blunt dissection. The unilateral RPLND with nerve-sparing technique was conducted and modified right-sided template was removed in accordance with open RPLND.Results:The operation was successfully performed through the solo pararectus incision and mean operative time was 240 min. Mean estimated blood loss was 50 ml. No conversion to open or conventional laparoscopic surgery was required. No major perioperative complications was observed. For the first case, number of lymph nodes obtained on final histopathological examination was 11 and two positive nodes were detected. For the other 4 cases, no positive nodes were detected. Chemotherapy was needed for the first case. AFP level decreased close to base line one week postoperatively and no relapse was observed 3 month after RPLND.Conclusions:In our experience, LESS-RPLND is safe and feasible, and pararectus incision gains good approach and satisfied cosmetic result. Large population-bases study and long time follow-up were needed to prove the oncological outcome of LESS-RPLND.
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