Progress in the study of double J-tube wall-attached stones
WANG Zhiming1, XU Xiaofang2, GUO Fengfu3
1Graduate Institute, Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Science, Taian 271000, China; 2Graduate Institute, Medical College of Qingdao University; 3Urology Department of Linyi People's Hospital
Abstract:Double J-tube is one of the commonly used devices after urological surgery. Its clinical effect is worthy of affirmation, but it will produce a series of complications in clinical use, especially the double J-tube wall stone is a common and serious complication. In this paper, the formation mechanism, influencing factors and prevention of double-J tube wall stones are described in detail, and the difficult problem of extubation after operation is comprehensively analyzed. At the same time, the prospect of new materials for double-J tube is expressed.
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