The application of new technique in retroperitoneal adrenalectomy based on the new acknowledge of morbid anatomy regarding feeding vessels in large pheochromocytoma
Cai Wei;Guo Gang;Li Hongzhao;Zhu Qing;Yu Hongkai;Zhang Xu
蔡伟;郭刚;李宏召;祝强;俞鸿凯;张旭. 大嗜铬细胞瘤营养血管病理解剖的认识及后腹腔镜解剖性切除的手术技巧[J]. 微创泌尿外科杂志, 2013, 2(2): 88-91.
Cai Wei;Guo Gang;Li Hongzhao;Zhu Qing;Yu Hongkai;Zhang Xu. The application of new technique in retroperitoneal adrenalectomy based on the new acknowledge of morbid anatomy regarding feeding vessels in large pheochromocytoma. Journal of Minimally Invasive Urology, 2013, 2(2): 88-91.